Forecast: Ostara Lover

The Vernal Equinox/Day of Ostara begins on March 20, 2015.  A powerful heavenly portal is opening up with a Total Solar Eclipse and New Dark Moon in Pieces on the very same day.  This is the most vibrant week of the year; a time of choosing new options and releasing the old.  


Synchronize your heart with that of the heavens.  These cosmic events will invoke powerful energies in and around the earth.  Your Real Self emerges in times of stillness; through meditation, prayer, and ritual offering gratitude for the gift of life and all that is, as well as all there is to be.  


Pieces energy encourages us to dream and visualize what we are able to contribute to create the world around and within us...  To be beautiful and courageous; to shine our light into the shadows and illuminate.  Change begins within each of us as we show ourselves love and kindness.  In doing so, we are encouraging others to do the same.  By shifting our vibrations even in the slightest, we contribute in unspoken and unseen ways to the universal web that connects us all.  Nothing is as it seems.


This is a pivotal time for breakthroughs and insights to grace your thoughts, words, and behavior.  Be brave and let go of old thought patterns as you embrace new paths and new ways of light.  

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