Administrator's blog

Look closer.

There is nothing but magic in the world:
it is disguised among the events of our banal, ordinary days,
shining mysteriously, a defiant glimmer visible only in the right light,
and to the right eyes.
This invisible current goes unseen to most with exception to the few of us who remember
what it is to wonder and dream of miraculous happenings in everyday places,
those who are free enough to take a closer look.


A Carnivorous Flower by Stephen Mackey



'I loved you so much once.  I did.  More than anything in the whole wide world.  Imagine that.  What a laugh that is now.  Can you believe it?  We were so intimate once upon a time I can't believe it now.  The memory of being that intimate with somebody.  We were so intimate I could puke.  I can't imagine ever being that intimate with somebody else.  I haven't been.'
― Raymond Carver

Mindfulness is your golden pathway to Heaven.

Moments spend in quiet presence transcend time as it is familiar, accomplishing far more than one can imagine.  Bring to yourself peace by sacrificing a moment of your time, and you will begin to notice your abundant blessings, to both yourself and your loved ones.  Through the intimacy of your mindfulness, you are being transformed from the inside out to the one you desire to be.  Neither resist time or attempt to speed it up, allow things to just happen as they will.  Instead of seeking perfection in this imperfect world, embrace the broken because it is the gaps that allow the light to shine in and through.  Allow yourself to trust that all will be seen as it was meant to, in its right time.  When things seem all wrong, trust that fate will see it through anyway.  It is not within the right circumstances but within your right response to said circumstance that allows you to overcome whatever obstacle may be in your path.  



tiny sapphires

the stars shone like sapphire flames in the trees;
tiny little lights scattered like dust.  
the sky is the deepest blue I have ever seen.
the moon is asleep.  wish you were here.



Holy ghost.

I am the one

"I am the one whom others entrust with their secrets.
Mine is a heavy existence to be the bearer of burden for so many.
A weight is put on my heart, which takes a toll in unspeakable ways."






the quality of being clear, in particular:


clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; the quality of coherence and intelligibility.

the quality of being easy to see or hear; sharpness of image or sound.


the quality of being certain or definite.

the quality of transparency or purity.

' A few times in my life I've had moments of absolute clarity. When for a few brief seconds, the silence drowns out the noise and I can feel rather than think. Things seem so sharp, and the world seems so fresh, as though it had all just come into existence. I can never make these moments last. I cling to them, but like everything, they fade. I have lived my life on these moments. They pull me back to the present, and I realize that everything is exactly the way it was meant to be. '

via fading grace photography

our bodies hold us here on earth, but it's not where we truly belong.

' We realize—often quite suddenly—that our sense of self,
which has been formed and constructed out of our ideas, beliefs and images, is not really who we are.
It doesn’t define us, it has no center. '

happy birthday, miss dahlia.

Lovelorn by Leslie Ann O'Dell

There’s another skin inside my skin

that gathers to your touch…


Just when the body thinks it knows

the ways of knowing itself,

this second skin continues to answer.

— Anne Michaels, Flowers



“There are strange and wondrous things in these lands of darkness …
I must intoxicate myself on magic perfumes in order to fathom the secrets
that lie hidden in the abysses of the Unconscious.”

- C.G. Jung, The Dionysian Self, 1911

"I want to be like water.

I want to slip through fingers, but hold up a ship."

via doll life photography

Refrain from losing your fucking temper.

When you break things, they never go back to their original form.



We live so much in our memories and our past experiences.  Whether we intend to or not, we project our previous feelings and emotions without and within our everyday lives, coloring the present with the past.  It's a lovely tapestry that we weave, with colors of the deepest blue sadness to the brightest pink love to the glittering gold divine.  The rosiest red passion and the violet haze of depression.  The silver lining that adds its highlight to the blackest nights of our soul.  I dwell in this rainbow of days...  I live in this daze that can only be described in vibrant hues and shades and dashes of color.  I feel everything because it surrounds me always in my waking life, the fabric of love and loss.  And in the night, wrap me in this blanket to sleep so that I might dream more vividly.  



"And the closer you get to exactly what you want to do,
the better you are as a human creature


i am never not thinking of you

i am still awake because
my thoughts have a mind 
of their own.


Be happy,

Be happy,
it is one way of being wise.


beware, the wolves at night.

it is her moon time...

Believe with all your heart.

We only truly fight to make changes when we believe in those changes with all our heart. You have to want your dream badly enough to hold on through the tough times.


'Full Moon in Cancer'

Cancer FULL MOON on January 4th/5th  ignites a time of activation. Emotions rise to the surface, so tuning in to our innermost feelings and allowing for healthy flow and expression of them is key. Liberation awaits on the other side so move with the changes and try to find balance amidst the rising tides. 

"The first Full Moon of 2015 is exact on Sunday January 4th at 8:53pm PST…

This Full Moon is actually a Grand Cross Full Moon- which means there are planets in all the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) and they are all squaring or opposing each other. 

This brings up crisis points but also the potential for major realization, aha moments and inner or outer shifts in our personal lives, relationships, home/family situations and career or life purpose.

This is not a light and casual Full Moon! It it kicking off 2015 in a big way- with focus on what needs to shift, change, transform, end and/or be released in our lives.

We can use this Full Moon to get clarity on where we are holding on and what we need to let go of- and because the Full Moon is in emotional Cancer part of what we need to let go of is our emotional attachment to the past.

The Full Moon is also conjunct Sirius- a very powerful fixed star that many ancient cultures have mythology about. There is a connection with sirius to Higher Consciousness- and to ancient beings that came from this star system to earth a very long time ago to help us evolve and grow. Sirius helps us to make the mundane sacred- so it is a fixed star that bridges worlds.

With Sirius on the Grand Cross Full Moon, we have amazing opportunities to access Higher Wisdom and Higher Love- all we have to do is be open and receptive to it this week.

With the Moon opposite Pluto and the Sun, deep transformative energies are afoot. But there is also potential for intensity, power/control dynamics in relationships and shadowy Unconscious behavior coming up to be address.

The best use of Pluto energy is self-empowerment and self-transformation. So this is not a time to give away your power or lord it over others- it is a time to center within yourself, own your own shadow and Light, and focus on the only being you have any control over- yourself!

The other very significant feature of this Full Moon is Uranus conjunct the South Node and Pluto square Uranus and the nodes. This T-square between Uranus, Pluto and the nodes will be exact in the second half of January and it is extremely potent.

Uranus on the South Node points to our ability to break free from karmic patterns and the past- but it also points to our addiction to the past and the strength and courage it will take for us to break free. Dark Moon Lilith is also conjunct Uranus and the South Node- so deep, intense energies are afoot and we need to be aware of our need to be in control or to dominate others.

Anger and rage that comes up at this time needs to be consciously worked with- not Unconsciously expressed… it is key to think wisely and to not act rashly or impulsively. Actions taken consciously and with awareness of the long term consequences will be rewarded down the line- mark my words!

The most harmonious aspect this Full Moon makes is a trine to Chiron, the wounded healer, pointing to the deep potential for emotional healing and clearing that is accessible to us all at this Full Moon.

The Full Moon may bring up A LOT, but Chiron shows that if we stick with it and move through what arises rather than shut it down, deny it and pretend otherwise- we can come out the other end healed, cleansed and expanded in our awareness of why things are happening they way they are in our lives.

There are several asteroids to take note of that are significant in the Full Moon chart. Saturn is parallel Kassandra- showing us that we want to master our intuition and psychic gifts, not repress them, control them or fear them. This goes for us and this also goes for the oracles and prophets of the world.

Both Mercury and Venus are conjunct Icarus, who flew to close to the Sun and got burnt to a crisp. Icarus echoes the energy of Uranus on the South Node- we need to be careful and not impulsively or restlessly do things that will cost us at this time. Pluto contra parallel Phaethon also echoes this- as Phaethon can point to recklessness and being out of control.

“We need to be aware of taking on more than we can handle or biting off more than we can chew. Finding the middle of the road is key- yet the high energy of the Grand Cross Full Moon can make it hard to steer clear of extremes.

Last but not least Neptune is parallel Bacchus- the Greek God of ecstasy and wine. This is great for mysticism and spirituality- but there can also be an excessive desire to check out, be in denial and avoid intense feelings that are up by turning to addictions (drugs, food, alcohol, shopping, internet- whatever you use to check out or tune out can be classified as an addiction). So awareness is key!

Another significant point in the Full Moon chart is the fact that the Sun/Moon midpoint is conjunct the South Node and Uranus. This points to HUGE karma- and our need to deal with the karmic past in order to grow.


There is no escaping it- and the Sun/Moon midpoint on the South Node can almost feel like a black hole pulling us in towards the past. It will take much courage and strength to resist that pull and to choose a different path/action/thought or belief. And yet doing this sets the tone for the year- so it is necessary to get started off on the right foot!”

- Divine Harmony

If you are brave enough to say goodbye,

life will reward you with a new hello.

Christmas mourning, 4:30 a.m.

I woke up today and felt the bittersweet ache of candied sadness running through my head and heart.  You were the first thought on my mind.  I suppose it is to say that I miss you, I miss you and good mourning to you, my darling.  

I ventured out into the cold blue air to find you.  The icicles shone like magic in the bare branches of the trees, the wind was gentle yet biting but I felt warm arms around me still. Violet and rose clouds luminized like poetry painted over the sapphire of the sky and all the creatures who greeted me sung me a lullaby.  I heard wings in flight and I knew I was safe in this peace.  

In this time of silence I was reminded of a conversation that I had with a dear friend of mine a very long time ago.  I mentioned to him how curious it is that we become perfect for the lovers most dear to us only after we are no longer in each other's lives.  We reflect and better ourselves based on what we've lost.  How it feels like we are waiting for someone whom we know is never to return, but we wait anyway as if to show them how much we've grown in their absence.  Why is it we were unable to arrive at these necessary realizations sooner.  How heartbreaking that is.  He was pensive but responded to my thoughts without haste.  "Of course, my dear.  Because that's the way life works."  

t o g e t h e r

wake us up, it's a dream, you are me.
every person is us, look at them 
and you will see.
when we all wake each other up, 
that is the singularity.
that is love.

a visual metaphor for the entire universe:
everything is connected by the structure of
space itself, even if it is not apparent to us
on the surface.


Pleased to meet you.  


You've got to bloom where you are planted...

"I'm too old to be escaping, Rose.  I'm gonna end my life right here.  For now, that means your life is gonna be here.  That leaves you with only one thing to do.  You've got to live as hard as you can where you are.  You have to look deep inside and find out all the things you've got to give to the world, then you've got to give it.  You can't spend all your days looking backward.  And you can't spend all your days looking forward.  It's today that counts, Rose.  You've got to bloom where you are planted.  God's got you planted here for now."  
- Ginny Dye, The Bregdan Chronicles



'there was a child went forth every day,
and the first object he looked upon, that object he became,
and that object became part of him for the day or a certain part
of the day,
or for many years or stretching cycles of years.'



f a i t h




    complete trust or confidence in someone or something.


    trust, belief, confidence, conviction; 

    optimism, hopefulness, hope




    the assurance of things hoped for perceiving as fact what is not revealed to the senses.  

    The world is abnormal.  What you know of the world you inhabit is only the tip of the iceberg.  Submerged beneath the surface of the visible world are mysteries too vast for you to comprehend.  If you could only see how close I am to you and how constantly I work on your behalf, you would never again doubt that I am wonderfully caring for you.  You must trust in my mysterious presence.  You must live by faith, and not by sight.   

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